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Showing posts from February, 2016


HOW MASTERS ARE MADE Masters emerges from service. It is not a position or title to desire or struggle for. It is heart of service that qualifies the head for a crown. Jesus became master by rendering selfless service. He made Himself of no reputation to earn His position of honour. Moses served His way to become a god to Pharaoh and led the exodus. He also served to lead 3 million people out of the house of bondage to the verge of the promise land. Daniel served His way to becoming head of magicians, wise men of Babylon, astrologers and soothsayers. Servants today and masters in the making. You too can serve your way to the top.


WALKING WITH THE INVISIBLE Walking with the invisible is what produces visible results. Walking with God is what makes working for God an adventure. It is frustrating working for God without walking with Him It is the invisible that originate the visible. Those who walk with the invisible God don’t ever get intimidated by the visible.


DISCERNING BETWEEN GOD'S VOICE AND MEN'S VOICE Ministry thrives on account of “This saith the Lord.” All successful ministers of the gospel always make reference to a clear word they received from the Lord. No ministry is established by goodwill and support of men but by a word from God. Listen to men with your ears but hear God with your heart. Lend your ears to men but give your heart to God. Watch men but focus on God. It is only what God says and shows to you that is error free. Never mistake the words of men for the voice of God.


FEED YOUR SOUL The goodness, fatness and strength of a soul is knowledge determined. If the soul is not fed well it will be lean and famish in the end. Prov.19:2 Life is enriched by feeding it. Feeding determines weight and weight is what measures the impact one will make. Feeding is a personal responsibililty we must accept. No one can develop you for you. Therefore, feed well to live well!