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The Christian dress
1 Peter 3:3,4 Whose adorning
let it not be that outward
adorning of plaiting the hair,
and of wearing of gold, or of
putting on of apparel; But let it
be the hidden man of the heart,
in that which is not corruptible,
even the ornament of a meek
and quiet spirit, which is in the
sight of God of great price.
As you read this booklet,
allow the Word of God to speak
to your heart. Ask yourself, “Do
I please the Lord in the way I
dress? Would I be ashamed of
what I am wearing if Jesus
came back today? Does what I
wear bring reproach upon
Christ? Can the world say by
what I wear everyday that I am
a child of God? These
questions should be asked by
both men and women.
As a Child of God, we should
desire to please the Lord with
all of our heart. To be like
Jesus should be our constant
goal. Anything less would not
be proper. Since we are the
purchased possession of the
Lord Jesus Christ, He has the
right to dictate our lives. We
should desire for Him to take
full control of our lives and
pattern them as He desires. As
you read this booklet,
prayerfully consider what the
Lord would have you to do
concerning these issues.
Saved men and women
should set forth the Biblical
standard for the world. A Child
of God has an obligation to
God, the Bible, and the world to
dress according to what God
commands and expects. Many
say it does not matter what we
wear but where our heart is.
The fact is, our dress code and
outward appearance tells the
world where our hearts are and
who we belong to. In these
last days, the world and
Hollywood are setting the
standards of dress instead of
the Church and the Word of
God. Television and the
entertainment world are setting
the dress code for the young
people. Young people in the
Churches all over the world are
looking everywhere but the
Word of God to determine what
they should wear. Many
preachers will not preach on
what a Child of God should or
should not wear. They fear the
congregation or their wife, their
sons, or their daughters.
Therefore, our churches are
filled with the latest fads and
fashions. It is a shame and
disgrace of what you will see in
the average Church today. No
wonder the Power of God is
A Child of God has an
obligation to the Bible to dress
correct, go to the right places,
and have the right friendships.
Many do not pay any attention
to what the Bible says and then
they wonder why God does not
bless them. Many Sunday
School teachers and preachers,
including multitudes of pastors,
do not teach what the Child of
God should wear. They feel
that it is not important or they
do not want to make any so-
called “waves” or “rock the
boat’. They say that we should
not be “negative” or
“controversial”. We are told
that there are a lot more
important things to preach on
or about. I agree, but if we
preach the whole counsel of
God, dress codes will come up.
The Bible teaches that
nakedness is a sin. Remember,
your life may be the only Bible
that many people will read.
Woe unto the Child of God who
brings reproach upon the Bible
through what he or she wears.
If a lost man sees us
coming out or going into the
wrong places, he will not have
confidence in us enough to
allow us to win him to Christ.
The same is true of our
conversation. If the lost man
or woman hears us speak with
profanity or even worldly
conversation, they will not
listen to us when we tell them
about Jesus. If our dealings
with the public are unethical it
will have a negative bearing
upon the sinners life and his
destination. In effect, we will
grease the board for him on his
way to Hell. God help us!
Our dress in the public is
the same way. If we dress and
wear the latest fashions of the
day which reveals the body,
this will cause the lost person
to wonder if there is a
difference between the
Christian and the unbeliever.
God said his people are a
peculiar people.
1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a
chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a
peculiar people; that ye should
shew forth the praises of him
who hath called you out of
darkness into his marvellous


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